
dimarts, 20 de desembre del 2011

An update - Una actualització.

Light Infantry and Cavalry uniforms have been added; you can see them (and comment if you so wish) in the uniforms page, link to the page above, under the blog's head, or , for your convenience, here.

Uniformes per a la Infanteria Lleugera i la Cavalleria han estat afegits; els podeu veure (i comentar si així ho desitgeu) a la pàgina d'uniformes, enllaç a la pàgina a sobre, dessota la capçalera del blog, o, per a la vostra comoditat, ací.

2 comentaris:

  1. Sheer curiosity, were the Dragoons intended from the start to be in grey, or did you initially intend (more likely?) to give them more colorful uniforms, as for the infantry?

    Hope you had a merry Christmas,

  2. They were going to be red clad (as they were wupposed to in the WSS and as can be seen in The Defiant Principality). At last I decided to keep red for "guards" or "senior" regiments (although one such regiment is numbered as the fifth, it is supposed to be heir the the old Royal Catalan Guards-Rose Bush Regiment).
    Merry Christmas to you too!
